Monday, October 23, 2017

The 80/20 Rule

I think that fall has officially arrived in New York State today. They claim that it arrived a while ago, but in my head, it's not officially autumn until you are no longer able to wear shorts in public and look like a normal person.  

The color change of the leaves and overcast skies are also an indication of fall....but if I see you in shorts,  I'm judging you.  Shorts should no longer be part of your wardrobe selection in New York, unless you're exercising.

Which brings me to today's babble. The 80/20 rule is one of my favorites.....not to be confused with Van Halen's OU812, although it is also consumption related.

(I know, I know....they all can't be witty little winners.  Sorry 😐 )

Anyway.....I did not inherit the Gym Joy Gene. I feel no rush of happiness when thinking about any exercise facility.  

None. Nada. Zippo. Zero. Zilch!

Clearly, there must be a Gym Joy Gene in my family, because I frequently see pictures on Instagram of my older brother working out, or my little sister in the gym locker room, all jazzed up and ready to go and lift heavy shit.  I look at those photos and feel a mixture of pride and envy; I'm very proud of them for taking such good care of themselves, but damn if I'm not envious of their drive to work out!  (Or even to put on workout clothes.) The only drive I've ever had was the one that put my ass in a car to score myself some donuts!

Fortunately there's that lovely 80/20 Rule that fits right into my own physical activity and exercise regimen.    

Scientific findings after my own heart!

Here's more about that:

(Seriously, where do they get these thumbnails for videos?  It must be a conspiracy of some sort 🤔)

(Note: if you are reading this via email, you won't see a video.  Click on the Blog title toward the top of the email to go directly to the page)

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