Rose and Steve's wedding was beautiful. I know people say it all of the time, but I think it may have been one of the most perfect weddings I've ever been to. The location was fantastic, the people in the wedding were so awesome and the bride looked stunning. And I mean stunning for real....not in the way that people say stunning because that's the right thing to say. Plus the guests were a lot of fun and we were put at a table with the super cool people, which always makes it more comfortable when you don't really know anyone.
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Steve and Rose...... and the rest of us peeps! |
Let me take you back 5 years......
I was sick. The end.
Okay, there was more. I had spent months upon months obsessing over things and carrying around this kajungus wedding organizer because I wanted things to be perfect. My mission statement was, "I just want everyone to have a good time." I just forgot to add "WITH ME." Apparently, God is very strict with his interpretations when granting requests.
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Waiting for the tardy party members. Places people! Places! |
Instant sick.
The next morning, I woke up..... sicker. I rummaged thru my medicine cabinet like a nut, looking for something to make me feel less sniffly, sneezy, coughy and achy. I was marrying the man of my dreams and everyone I loved was going to be there. I needed energy and I needed to be clear headed. So, I took Tylenol Sore Throat and Comtrex somethingoranother. I grabbed my wedding day crap and ran to my mom's.
I walked thru that door and my parents, brother and sister-in-law all looked at me and said, "Oh my God. You look awful." I can still see their faces. They had that flinchy, slightly shocked, "yikes" look.
I panicked. "Oh my gawd. What am I going to do......?"
Here's what else happened. I FAILED TO MENTION the previously consumed medications from home. So, when said family starting handing me glasses of water with promises of "take this and it'll help", I started gulping water and drugs like a fish out of water. Tablets and cough syrups left and right.
About an hour later, I sat in the salon chair, getting my hair done, staring into Kathy's eyes as I held her hand, repeating, "I don't feel good. I really don't feel right. I think something is wrong."
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This actually did turn out to be a lovely coiffure. Kathy took the photo and then I confessed to being totally jacked up! |
You've seen that I'm blond. I do fit the stereotype from time to time. My blondness prevented me from figuring out that I was.....O-V-E-R M-E-D-I-C-A-T-E-D. In a big way.
Before leaving for the church, we were praying to God, angels, deceased relatives, the Pope, and anyone else with some miraculous pull that might help me feel better. FAST.
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Justin holding me upright and the girls were like book ends keeping me from falling over ps. Liz I apologize for the photo with the eyes closed but it's the only digital one of these I have! |
Here's what I do recall:
I spent a whole lot of time in the bathroom staring into the toilet and praying that I would barf up all of the meds and feel better.
My poor husband spent the first 3 hours of our reception on his own. It was like he married an invisible person. (I still feel guilt about that.)
A lot of people checked in on me to see how I was. My mom, Justin, Kathy, my neighbor Trish, Justin's aunts Kathy and Angel, my mothers-in-law.... and then my oldest NY friend Wendy sat on the couch, feeding me bread and being so kind. It turns out that Wendy had the magic touch, because even though I couldn't eat, THAT was what made me feel better. A big fat edible sponge to absorb all of those meds. She saved what was left of my wedding day!
I got to enjoy the last two hours of the day, even though I was high as a kite from everything I took. I got to dance with people, cut the cake, ogle Justin, and have some sort of fun.
My favorite part though was the ceremony. Why? Because I learned that THAT was the most important part of a wedding. Not all of the dancing and fun. It was some sort of miracle, but for that 1/2 hour, I was perfectly fine and healthy and freaking THRILLED. God took pity on me and said, "Ahhhhh....alright. I'll let you enjoy the important part. But that's all! Don't get your hopes up. I'll think about the rest of the evening."
We had this guy perform our wedding who thought we were a riot. We filled out questionnaires and he really went with it. When I watch the DVD, I still laugh or cry while watching the ceremony. It was the best moment of my life, right after having Allie. I still get that same flutter in my stomach when I think about it. Our guy kicked ass on our ceremony and I was totally 100% smitten with the other guy there. You know. Oh, what's his name?....... Justin! That's right. Whew! (wink)
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One of the best moments of my life. Lucky girl! |
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Immediately after our ceremony.....just on the cusp of become sickly all over again |
Mind you, five years later, I was sick again! Yep. But I combated that shit with vitamins and medication and Airborne in a reasonable fashion. By the big day, I had a slight cough and sniffles, but Mucinex D helped hide them until midnight. I also annoyed the crap out of Rose, probably freaking her out, about getting sleep and not getting sick and taking vitamins. She probably wanted to scream, "SHUT THE FLUCK UP!!!" at me numerous times.
Yet still, Rose and Steve's day allowed me to enjoy and participate in a "do over" of sorts. I got to be a part of a perfect wedding and enjoy myself! I cried at the ceremony partly because I was so happy for my friends, partly because it was a beautiful moment and partly because I had that flutter in my heart remembering the moment I married my own Prince Charming.
So, if you're a bride to be, or know one, be sure you/they are mindful of three things:
- Take care of yourself physically. Keep in mind that stress drains you physically and wreaks havoc on your immune system.
- Plan the day so YOU have fun. Everyone there will follow your cue.
- Focus on that ceremony. Even if no one else listens, it's the most important part of what's going on that day. Remember that.