I never expected to learn as much as I have this past month. What started out as a vlog about losing weight became a quest for information about why I can't escape the clutches of unhealthy food.
Many moons ago, I took a Nutrition Course in college from Annmarie Colbin, a brilliant woman who owns a culinary school in Manhattan and has published multiple books about food and nutrition. She opened my eyes to the disgusting crap that can be found in food. The education I got on olive oil and fat free condiments alone was worth the price of those credits (plus she's very funny, which made me love her even more!)
Then I became a health coach after losing weight 3 years ago and learned so much about how our bodies work in regards to what we put in them from Dr. Wayne Anderson (another very witty fella). I have to admit that my weight gain had NOTHING to do with everything that he taught me. Had I continued eating like a normal healthy human being, I would still be 33lbs lighter!
So, imagine my surprise when I started this journey and gained all of this insight on will power and sugar and cravings. Today, I gained another tiny tidbit that has knocked my socks off and I thought I'd share:
Oh yes. Can you see the light more clearly now? I know I can! I think that if we consumed 130 pounds of anything slightly addictive in one year we would surely be a slave to it by the time we finished.
The visual of that much sugar in cube form just sends the message home. Here's another one for ya:
There are 56 skittles in one regular bag, so that's 31, 570 bags of Skittles
This is the same amount of sugar as found in two 12oz cans of regular soda
200 years ago we were eating 1/17th of the amount of sugar???
I'm just going to let this all settle in.....
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